Sunday, April 28, 2013

Yoga; The Mind-Body Connection

How could I write a balanced living blog and not write a post on Yoga?  I couldn't, so here it is.

Whether you're a tried and true believer in Yoga practice, or an anxious skeptic, I would urge everyone to try it at least once.  I know I felt pretty silly during my first few classes, but my flexibility absolutely improved, my posture is better, and I have grown to love that one hour that I set aside to focus completely on myself and my well being and no one else's.

There are quite a few options if you'd like to begin a yoga practice.  I would always encourage novices to look up a yoga class.  Every gym I have ever entered offers yoga classes, usually at a few different times during the week to accommodate different schedules.  Also, many campus activity centers now offer yoga classes, and some campuses even offer it as a phys ed credit!  (Mine does!)  The nice thing about classes is that you have a real, live instructor that can help you adjust to the poses.  After a while, most people pick them up, but its nice to have someone that can help you maximize the benefits of each pose and make sure you're not doing it completely wrong (and possibly prevent you from pulling something).

If you have a little experience, or are really opposed to a class, there are dozens of yoga routine DVDs.  These are cool because there are some with workouts to wake your body up in the morning, wind your body down at the end of the night, and even cardio yoga workouts.  These are good for people who absolutely have to make their own schedule, but keep in mind that there's no one to make sure your doing it right or to help you get into the poses.

Here is a link to some beginner pose tutorials:

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